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It was the first time in Ukraine that a soldier with such a severe injury from a sniper wound was able to get out of a wheelchair.

In the summer of 2015, near the town of Shchastya, with its gentle name meaning “happiness,” a sniper shot Sergiy Saliy, the platoon commander of sappers. His internal organs and spinal cord were damaged. Sergiy underwent numerous initial surgeries that stabilized his condition, but the doctors were certain he would never walk again.

That’s when the team of doctors at the NODUS Medical Center stepped in, taking the wounded soldier under their care and developing a personalized “recovery route” for him, with the main goal being to make his muscles move independently. Sergiy’s treatment was made possible thanks to donations that supported the fund, providing the necessary resources for rehabilitation.

It was three long years of persistent work and unwavering hope. But finally, the wheelchair was left behind.

Sergiy’s strength and determination, along with the efforts of the doctors, returned his ability to move his legs independently: to stand, to walk, and to live completely without a wheelchair, meaning — without barriers! The nearly impossible became possible thanks to an exoskeleton created by Ukraine’s honored doctor Oleksandr Kulyk. It’s hard to imagine the amount of willpower and determination that Sergiy had to invest over the course of 2,652 therapy sessions in those three years to be able to walk all day long! Sergiy’s recipe for achieving the goal: “Drive away bad thoughts and work hard.” The process recipe: “To have the opportunity to implement all the most advanced technologies we have today for treating and rehabilitating the wounded, thanks to the help of caring people.”

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