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We, Ukrainians, are amazing people. As it turned out, we combine resilience and courage with inexhaustible creative energy. Each of us experiences our fears, pains, happiness, joy, anger, suffering, love, and hope differently. But in the most difficult times, we do not give up: we compose songs and sing, dance even with prostheses, draw, write poetry, get inspired by music, make films, go on dates with talented painters. We will lose everything.

Through the fire of war, we need beauty to help us survive and keep our sanity. Touching beauty is like saving your soul, turning on the light and warming those around you. Today, during the devastation of war, art is our hope for a peaceful future, it is about our happy tomorrow.

Our partner Maestro Hotel Management has the talent to spot talented young artists and support wounded defenders together with them. The event was the exhibition “NEZLAMNA” by Artist. TashaMano and SENSES by contemporary Ukrainian artists Ksenia Ostroverkhova and Lilia Nebera. All proceeds from the entrance fee, the sale of charity cocktails and 20% of the paintings sold were donated to the Kran Charitable Foundation for the rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian defenders with combat injuries and severe nervous system damage at the #NODUS clinic.

And during the opening of the exhibition NEZLAMNA by Artist. TashaMano exhibition, an auction was held to sell the painting. The artist also donated all the proceeds to the wounded military. By the way, our Chairman of the Board Kateryna Balyutova also now has a wonderful painting by Tasha.

Art literally heals. Each donation is an independent step of another of our defenders after being seriously injured. Each donation means one more hero is back in the ranks.

We are very grateful to Maestro Hotel Management for their effective support.

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